The world has changed drastically in the past year, and it can be tough to keep up with everything. Thankfully, Apple’s Reminder app is here to help you manage your day-to-day tasks and goals. With this guide, you'll learn how to use the app to its full potential so that you can take control of your life and increase productivity. Let's get started!

Step 1: Get Familiar With the Interface

The first step is getting familiar with the interface. The main window of the app displays all your reminder lists on one page, making it easy to switch between them quickly. The top right corner has an icon for adding new lists or editing existing ones. In addition, there are two other tabs at the bottom of the screen – Today and Scheduled – that let you view reminders due today or set for future dates.

Step 2: Set Up Your List of Tasks

When first opening the Reminder app on your iOS device, you will need to create a list of all of your tasks. This will be helpful when organizing different types of tasks into categories, such as work/school projects or errands that need doing around the house. You can also add subtasks which are subcategories within each task list containing more specific information about what needs doing. When setting up these lists, make sure they are easy for you to read and follow along with – you don't want them cluttered or confusing!

Set Up List of Tasks

Step 3: Add Details To Each Task

Once you have created a list for each category of the task, it's time to start adding details about what needs doing within each one. Here, you have several options, including adding notes or attachments related to certain tasks if applicable (such as screenshots). You may also set due dates and times so that reminders will come up accordingly throughout the day – especially helpful if busy days tend not to fly by without notice!

Step 4: Take Advantage of Smart Lists

Smart Lists are great for when things start getting really busy and complicated! These basically organize all your tasks into categories like “Today” or “Scheduled” so everything looks nice and tidy (and makes sense!). Just keep in mind that these smart lists don't include subtasks yet – only top-level items – but hopefully, future updates will change this soon!

Step 5: Use Location-based Reminders

Another amazing feature of Apple's Reminders app is location-based reminders – something that definitely comes in handy when running errands around town or going shopping at different stores! All you need to do here is set a specific address as well as what action should be taken when arriving/leaving said place (for example: send yourself an alert). Conveniently enough, this works both ways, too – meaning if someone else sends a request asking, “remind me when I leave [location]”, then their device will buzz once they leave said spot too!

Take Advantage of Smart Lists

Step 6: Customize Your Notifications & Alerts

Last but not least – setting up notifications & alerts allows users to stay on top of their tasks without having their phone constantly buzzing every five minutes throughout the day either way, so win-win situation here too! You can choose what type of notification sound should play when an alert goes off (or opt-out entirely), add vibration patterns if needed, set intervals for repeating alerts, etc., all depending on personal preference & particular task requirements, obviously:)


Apple’s Reminders App provides users many opportunities to increase productivity while staying organized throughout their daily lives – regardless of how chaotic things might become outside home office walls! With the tips outlined above, plus some experimentation on the user end. Hopefully, everyone now feels more comfortable utilizing this amazing technology fullest extent possible to ensure efficient planning execution no matter what tomorrow brings us next!